Warren Buffet mantra: Be Fearful when all are Greedy & Be Greedy, When all are fearful !
Markets operates in Cycles. Bull & Bear Cycles.
Everything is Cyclical.
Why this would be the right time to stay Disciplined?
Its senesitive to see portfolio in red. But with averaging, We can furthermore stabilise our portfolio & make it a more strong portfolio with same stocks at different levels. Averaging is the key!.
Creating a big corpus requires us to go through all the highs and lows of the markets as they end up strengthing our portfolio.
We have seen similar instances in markets in 2008, 2011, 2015, 2020, 2022 & now 2025.
To enjoy the highs we must endure the lows.
Staying disciplined here will yeild in the most profitable corpus. Ironically, Nifty delivered more than 100% in 2020. The same strucuture is emerging today. Make the most of it & Stay disciplined.
Over a period of 10 years, we would be aiming at 1 Crore corpus.
For that, We should be well versed in these scenarios.
Asking this 1 Question during bear run will take out all the doubt.
All the stocks we have invested, Just due to this bear run, can we conclude that all the business we have invested in are worthless?
Ofcourse not.
Hence Stay Disciplined. Deal with it. Emerge as a real Investor.