Hello Esteemed Reader. Warm Greetings. And We at Visionomics Investments want to be your Financial Consultant.
Our Chief Investment Officer, Mr. Rohit Ganore, holds 8+ years of experinece in Securities Markets,
is a Graduate in Investment Banking with Relevant & important NSE NCFM & NISM Certifications.
Our Vision is to utilise Securities Markets to the best efficiency.
Stock Markets have been primarily the mode of wealth creation. But having key insights & proper plan of actions is the key to being profitable in markets.
Our CIO have a dream of making every valued investor of Visionomics Investments benefit from Securities Markets & get closer to fiancnial freedom they deserve!
Plan of Action:
For SIP, we invest 1000 Rs in 10 stocks for every month for 12 month.
Profit Booking, Reinvestments & Compounding are the core of our Alpha SIP Strategy!
We are projecting upward amount of not 50 Lakhs but 1 Crore in approx 10 years!
We are expecting a fluctuation of 10% in our portfolio.
We are aiming at approx 40% per anum. With state of the are algo & Analysis we are shortlisitng those business that are worthy of investing & can yeild alpha ROI!
Time is the most limited and depleting commodity a person owns. Using it in the most valuable aspect remains the highest priority.
Investing early is the key to Financial Prosperity.
There are som many benefits of Investments, Additional income, Ease of Access, Exposure to Businesses, Financial prosperity,
But, Let me ask you one reason why not?!
We at Visionomics Investments believe teaming up with us can be the best decison towards financial prosperity.
Let's be courageous & Start this Journey Now!
Contact us Now @+91 9175680929
